Abdelwahab Elmessiri was one of Egypt’s most famous thinkers and scholars. He graduated from Alexandria University in 1959 with a degree in English Literature and went on to study an MA in English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University in the United States in 1964. In 1969 he went on to obtain a PhD from Rutgers University, also in the United States.
Elessiri devoted almost his entire intellectual career to the defense of the Palestinian cause. In a career spanning more than 30 years, he wrote over 50 books and many articles on a diverse range of topics: Zionism to postmodernism, secularism, Muslim political thought, Palestinian liberation movements, the intifada, Palestinian poetry and English literature.
Aside from political works, Elessiri also wrote children’s stories, and it is that to which I now refer.
In his version of Cinderella, the girl that puts on the glass slipper does not immediately agree to marry the prince; rather she decides to go to university first to continue her studies and the prince, a man of modern times, is understanding enough to wait for her.
Source for information above: https://electronicintifada.net/content/life-literature-and-palestine-tribute-abdelwahab-elmessiri/7649
Featured Image: http://www.arabphilosophers.com/Arabic/aphilosophers/acontemporary/acontemporary-names/Abdl-Wahab%20Elmessiri/Material/Al-Ahram_Weekly_A_scholar_and_three_wolves_files/pe1.jpg
Cinderella Image: http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140314012558/disney/images/3/37/Disney-Cinderella-Storybook.jpg
(edited by me)