“Growing up, I was lucky enough to have two valuable teachers in my life: my mother and father, both of whom were teachers. Dad, particularly, always had an interest in global perspectives as he taught history and politics. Through him, I developed a love of the arts, literature, music and the world at large and through both my parents, I learnt patience, understanding, compassion and a love for other cultures.
Make Me Aware is about raising curiosity and generating self-belief in young people, just as my parents did with me. By raising awareness of the world and the people in it, I feel that barriers can be transcended, confidence can grow and our young people can take steps towards forging a better future not only for themselves but for those who do not have our opportunities.”
‘Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge and the unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind’.
Bertrand Russell, Philosopher, (1872-1970)
Sam is currently studying for a Masters in War Studies at King’s College, London
BA Art History and English Literature
Member Chatham House, Royal Institute of International Affairs
“I have always believed that it is very important that people can understand things that are of interest or relevance to them. Far too often I come across people who are quick to brush something off as being too difficult or complex for them to comprehend, when usually that’s not the case, it just hasn’t been explained to them in a way that makes sense to them. Or more simply, people have been made to feel ignorant for asking the question in the first place. This is clearly wrong.
People need somewhere accessible to go to, where they can rely on finding accurate, informative and understandable content on the many issues that are impacting all of us today, and I believe Make Me Aware does just that.”
MA Oxon, Philosophy and Theology
Member of CIPR