Education: Let our Kids be Kids
Today the FT’s front page showed the above photograph of children protesting in Brighton about the government’s new tests for 6 and 7 year olds. Those protesting say that SAT’s in Maths and English at […]
Today the FT’s front page showed the above photograph of children protesting in Brighton about the government’s new tests for 6 and 7 year olds. Those protesting say that SAT’s in Maths and English at […]
On 28th April 2016, a new Unity Cabinet was formed in South Sudan’s capital, Juba. The new cabinet was announced on state television by current President Salva Kiir who has said that 1/3 of its […]
Graffiti, or street art, is something we have all seen-it can be found on almost every street, either small signatures on the back of a postbox or enormous designs on some long-abandoned wall. Seeing these […]
I wrote this article back in January 2016 Jermyn Street in London and Piccadilly are lined with Café Nero’s and Costas and en route to a meeting, I decided to treat myself to an old […]
The Issue I was at a party on Saturday evening and the German comedian, Jan Bohmermann, came up as a discussion. In the ZDF television show on German television last week, “Neo Magazin Royale,” […]
‘Many and sharp the num’rous ills Inwoven with our frame! More pointed still we make ourselves Regret, remorse, and shame! And man, whose heav’n-erected face The smiles of love adorn, – Man’s inhumanity to man […]
There are articles that take their time to write and there are those that just need to be done immediately, no matter how briefly researched or from the heart that turns out to be. Similarly, there are photographs and there are photographs.
The following is Winston Churchill’s speech in his address on a ‘United States of Europe’: “I wish to speak about the tragedy of Europe, this noble continent, the home of all the great parent races […]
Following on from my summation of Philip Hammond’s talk on Europe last week (2 March 2016) at Chatham House, below is a blog post from Open Europe; a think tank that promotes ideas for economic […]
Detailed Timeline of the Formation of Europe 1944: Bretton Woods conference in New Hampshire, America and the founding of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, created with a view to helping Europe along […]