UXO in Laos
What is UXO? UXO is an acronym for Unexploded Ordnance, i.e. weapons that were deployed during a war which have not detonated. Where is Laos? Laos is in South East Asia, west of and inland […]
What is UXO? UXO is an acronym for Unexploded Ordnance, i.e. weapons that were deployed during a war which have not detonated. Where is Laos? Laos is in South East Asia, west of and inland […]
Are the elections over yet? The midterm elections took place on Tuesday 6 November. The results are clear for most of the elections but there are still a few seats which are ‘uncalled’. This means that […]
What is the current situation in Libya? The North African country has been locked in a state of violence since 2011 when a popular uprising ended with the overthrow and death of former president Muammar Gaddafi. […]
What is new in New Caledonia? There was a referendum on Sunday 4 November in New Caledonia, a Pacific island territory that is under French sovereignty. The question was whether it should become an independent […]
On Friday 26th October, Ireland goes to the polls to vote in the presidential election and the blasphemy referendum. The country recently voted overwhelmingly to repeal the eighth amendment, legalising abortion. With attitudes modernising and […]
What happened last week in Australian federal politics? The Australian government lost its parliamentary majority in a by-election (a special election in only one constituency, to fill a seat whose MP has died or resigned) […]
Macedonia had a referendum on Sunday 30 September 2018 on whether to accept the agreement with Greece about the country’s name that was intended to end a long dispute between the two countries about who […]
When Donna Strickland was woken at 5am by a call from the Nobel Prize committee, her first thought was that she was being prank-called. A woman had not been awarded the coveted prize for physics […]
What are ‘midterm elections’? Americans go to the polls on Tuesday 6 November for the ‘midterm elections.’ ‘Midterm’ means that these are elections that take place in the middle of the President’s four-year term of […]
The inspiring and very true story written by a colleague of mine, Peter Apps, a columnist for Reuters. I first met him at a talk he gave on the Future of War at Chatham House and he was by far the […]